Yeah, yes, so what do you do with the text on our so I'm actually in a heavy equipment class, so we's work on like heavy equipment and stuff. After before tech and just when I finishing my dad first birthday actually, and then Tuesday I just felt like absolute dog shit, so I slept all day pretty much then went to work. So I went to the first three hours of school actually, and then I left the half the way through the day. So, did you have fun those those few days you were off? Did you like take yea Monday later one day I went home. I actually I've been sick the past two days, so I went to school for a full day to day. How is your day to day? Okay, so my day wasn't horrible, you though. So Owen recently actually get actually, coops, going to beat it, because I might as will move my car into the garage. I'm pretty sure you have been real leave.
So I'm a lot here for the intro down, I'm a lot. How's it going, Blake, kiddle and coop? How do you do it? So I actually have to leave. My name is Daniel and this is the fellows podcast.